Air Purifier

Odorox Hyrdoxyl.jpg
Odorox Hyrdoxyl.jpg

Air Purifier


The Boss™ unit is equipped with a selector switch for 1 or 2 ODOROX® Hydroxyl generating optics and a washable filter. The built-in fan is adjustable from approximately 250 to 500 cfm which makes this unit very versatile. Turn the fan to low setting to deodorize small areas such as cars, RVs, boats, bedrooms, or offices. This setting is also ideal for tenting damaged contents on-site. Turn the fan on high to treat larger areas such as basements, homes and businesses. Each unit can deodorize and contaminate UP TO 2000 SQ.FT.

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Hydroxyls (HO•) are safe, naturally occurring molecules. They are created in the outdoors when the ultraviolet rays of the sun react with water vapor from the air. This is a natural process that constantly occurs in our atmosphere. Hydroxyls are the single most important agent that scrubs and cleanses our planets atmosphere.

Mother Nature uses hydroxyl molecules to cleanse and decontaminate our outdoor environment. However, hydroxyls do not occur indoors, so HGI developed a patented process, through years of field testing, and created a solution that mimics Mother Nature by safely generating molecules that naturally “seek and destroy” odor molecules, bacteria, viruses, VOCs, and other chemicals. Hydroxyls actually neutralize odor molecules and gasses by breaking down their chemical bonds. This can be done with even some of the most difficult molecules, such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and ammonia (NH3).